The night has just got a bit longer for me as the very nightmares of being dominated by some invisible force have come to the fore again. Though it’s more or less a form of lack of physical fitness but still I have a concrete feeling of being dominated by some force. This force is of a

completely different nature than the well known forces of nature. They try to dominate my body and at times my body obliges to this demand of the unknown force. Th
ough I have had miraculous escapes from this force in the past but now it’s almost inevitable to avoid thi
s unknown force. The idea of being
dominated by unknown spirits has been completely made by me because I define spirits as not the ghostly thing but the power which

is driving us all on this earth.
It includes the very spirits of the dead and also the supernatural powers possessed by the Indian babas or aghoris. Different theories can be put forward to describe the very nature of this force but in actual it couldn’t be described until one has experienced the very force himself. The very idea of meeting the unknown can definitely thrill the majority but fear associated with this very subject can make people look for other thrills.
This force is definitely a part of the driving force of the universe that even Einstein couldn’t explain. Though to describe that in mathemat
ical terms is still not possible but we can link it to the spiritual energy that is possessed by humans. This spiritual energy, though, comes out only after its realization through various meditation methods. Nurturing energy of this kind is very beneficial for someone who is down on morality and self belief and for someone who has lost his dignity. In short,

someone who has lost himself due to one or more reasons or due to the occurrence of certain events in life which one believes he should have avoided. The indomitable spirits of great people such as Mahatma Gandhi had so much self belief and hard
working capacity as well as capabilities because of this. This very impeccable nature of this force drives the entire nation of India in one way or the other. The saints or hermits of incredible India have known a lot about this very energy source since ages and though it is at the periphery right now but the revival of this force is still possible through the sheer intelligence of the learned. All this will involve a lot of hard work and this will be possible only through the cooperation of the masses and the force of liberality will drive all this.To know the meaning of our existence is obviously very difficult but still we can look at various records to find out what the ENLIGHTMENT is all about. For instance take us an instance from history which is in fact is a mix of both

the mythology and the history. Nevertheless, before that let us take one very important thing in mind. The distortion of facts is a very common phenomenon in today’s world and alteration of the real story is very prevalent. To think of Ramayana and Mahabharata as the actual series of events that would have taken place at that time will not be good as a learned man but one cannot deny some of the facts. Apart from this, the most important thing is who narrates the story. If the writer is close to a person writing the story or admires him in one way or the other he is bound to write things according to his preference or his liking. Then it does not matter whether they are in harmony with the actual facts or not. This is a psychological factor that plays an important role in the alteration of the history and the production of fake literature work. Though I am not condemning the very legality of the two most important Indian epics but the above facts can not be denied also.
Let me elaborate this more with the help of an instance from history. In Buddhism, a Buddha (Sanskrit, Pali) is any being who has become fully awakened (enlightened), has permanently overcome greed, hate, and ignorance, and has achieved complete liberation from suffering. Enlightenment (or Nirvana (Pali: Nibbana) is the highest form of happiness. It only applies to the first one who has achieved this without prior knowledge of Buddhism. When all knowledge of Buddhism is lost and one becomes enlightened then we have a true be continued
Let me elaborate this more with the help of an instance from history. In Buddhism, a Buddha (Sanskrit, Pali) is any being who has become fully awakened (enlightened), has permanently overcome greed, hate, and ignorance, and has achieved complete liberation from suffering. Enlightenment (or Nirvana (Pali: Nibbana) is the highest form of happiness. It only applies to the first one who has achieved this without prior knowledge of Buddhism. When all knowledge of Buddhism is lost and one becomes enlightened then we have a true be continued