‘‘The moving waters are full of life and health , it is only in the still waters is stag
nation and death’’.
The state of affairs in ihm Mumbai
will continue or not strikes the mind of most of the faculty members as well as the students. Of course, the management and the principal might be scratching their heads contemplating as to what might have gone wrong. Is
it time for the institute to show greater urgency in raising its standards or just rest down and relax with the fact that the institute has been given 2nd rank among its peers by a daily newspaper? Is it time to build proper infrastructure to facilitate the increasing intake of students? Is it time to bring in new vibrant staff to galvanise the students? Is it time to address the student centric issues?
Most of the current students at the institute believe that the institute is a passĂ© and doesn’t really have the prow
ess it had in the past. The only silver lining is the quality faculty which also is not above question. So where is ihm headed? Nobody knows but if this year results are anything to go by it is sailing in unknown territories. Nobody knows of what might be brewing within the management regarding the corrective measures. Let me write some fundamental things which each of us have experienced in ihm ‘‘the best’’ Mumbai keeping in mind its no.2 ranking and justifying it thereby.
Infrastructural inadequacies, inability of faculty to motivate and galvanize students together with the growing intake of students gave way to worse than expected results this year in
anging ground realities of the institute. Also one thing worth noticing over the past one year has been the attitude of teachers which resembles a dictator more than anything else. The habit of resting on past laurels is not helping the institute either. The fact that there is not a single ihm Mumbai student in the top ten list of the first year toppers further reiterates my point.
Hanging newspaper cuttings showcasing the institute’s no 2 status as a hospitality trainer in indiais not going to help either as the very entrance where this newspaper cutting is hung showcases the institute’s “pseudo no2 status”. Yes I am talking about the poor internet connectivity of the institute
which is evident in the lobby itself where five zenith pcs are breathing their last and were probably bought before the it revolution begun. This is not an exaggeration for an institute which boasts of 24 hrs internet connectivity in its brochure. Most of the times these pcs are rehabilitating after a crash or booting or preparing to die. The question of charging each student Rs. 2000 annually as internet facilities infuriates me. Who is responsible for this ? the faculty, management, principal or the NCHMCT nobody complains neither the management nor the students. The fact that the institute charges around 2 million rupees annually for five rusted zenith pcs with laming connectivity is surprising and really disappointing. The ignominy of the students doesn’t come to me as a surprise when I see them trying unsuccessfully to get the dead computers out of their graves.
The above example is only a drop in the ocean when you see the appalling state of other facilities such as the library. Let alone
The article is still in progress