Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Curious Case of Patanjali's Corona Cure- Coronil

Peter Parker's uncle once said, "With great power comes great responsibility". Similarly, Patanjali's 
Evidence or Miracle?
Magnum Opus curtain-raiser Corona medicine, Coronil's tall claims should be accompanied by equally extraordinary research and clinical trial data on the efficacy of the medicine. COVID-19 is no joke neither should it be allowed to become one. Even as millions suffer around the globe, some companies are leaving no stone unturned in raking financial benefits out of this calamity. Patanjali seems to be one of the many companies who do not want to miss the bus when it comes to finding a cure for COVID-19. Reasons?  Financial rewards, both global and domestic, are huge. The entire world is in such a state of despondency that any little hope of a vaccine or medicine enlightens the entire world. Companies are racing against time to bring about overnight success. Drug trials are being expedited by medical bodies like FDA and ICMR, which otherwise take years for approving a medicine. As of today, Patanjali hasn’t released data of the drug trial conducted by it for public scrutiny and peer review.

The brazen manner in which the electronic news media covered the unveiling of the drug by Baba Ramdev speaks a lot about the falling standards of Journalism ethics in the country. Nobody bothered to ask tough questions from Ramdev in the press conference due to their overzealous adulation for him. It was only when some actual journalists posed questions about the drug to ICMR- the apex medical body overseeing and approving any Covid-19 treatment in India- that we came to know that the drug is unapproved as of now. ICMR distanced itself entirely from Coronil’s tall claims and passed the buck to Ayush Ministry, which amusingly tried to pass the buck again to ICMR before releasing a press note (read the link below). ICMR shifted the ball on technical grounds of Coronil’s ayurvedic origins being outside its purview and consequently being within the subject domain of Ayush Ministry. Ayush Ministry put out the below press release and minced no words in demanding a clarification from Patanjali regarding technical details of the drug.

 Statement issued by the Ministry of Ayush on claims of Patanjali Ayurved regarding treatment of COVID-19

But by the time the press release happened, Ramdev’s overzealous chauvinist army had already blown the trumpets all over social media, particularly Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook universities, regarding
Magic Corona Pills?
the superiority of Ayurveda over any other forms of medicine being practised anywhere in the world. Patanjali would have received admonition and a legal notice from the Government if not for Ramdev’s close association with the ruling party. He provides a rare blend of chauvinism, Hindu cultural superiority discourse and cow worshipping, which the ruling party itself stands by earnestly. No wonder then that Ramdev will ease past the Ayush ministry authorities this time as well.  

Whether modern medicine procedures regarding approval were bypassed or not, only time will tell but religious and cultural myths over scientific facts and processes, seem to be the mantra for Patanjali. I have nothing personal against Ayurveda. In fact, I strongly believe in Ayurveda for its unique approach towards human well being through the use of natural herbs and ingredients but the tall claims of Ramdev should be taken with a pinch of salt until more details emerge from the ministry. All said and done, I appreciate and admire the swiftness with which Patanjali came up with the medicine. I hope it works and that Patanjali passes the clinical trials and laid down procedures as mandated by Ayush Ministry or ICMR. After all, India needs entrepreneurs and an entrepreneurial Baba seems to be the icing on the cake.

-Sunny Gusain
*Views expressed are personal. If I offend you, please stay away


Praveen Dubga said...

Right post sir....

All seem that people's death is an opportunity of being a good business establishment.i am really surprised to see this all inhumanity in these so called sants who work for betterment of humanity.
I am sure these will make a milestone in the path for doom and inglorious history. All these are working well for being �� jangali and vahiyat in spirituality but an isolation is better cure to save inner soul from these all hathkanda sants.

Sunny Gusain said...

True dear. Its frustrating really.