The studies of psyches of some hardcore criminals make us understand the concepts of Plato rather well than anything else. Their Psyches does not define Morality as the conventional concept but rather they have developed their own idea of Morality. Their idea of Morality is influenced by socio-economic conditions in which they are bred and brought up in. There are lots of instances in the contemporary world that show us very well why morality is not absolute. The cases of serial killers killing with impunity are examples worth mentioning. What is the reason behind their so called inhumane and brutal behavior? Is it because they are insane? Is it because of hatred? It might come to you as a surprise but these serial killers do not think themselves as criminals and have no sense of regret whatsoever. They kill without hatred most of the times. So what prompts or rather motivates them to take the plunge and kill someone without hatred? The only plausible explanation to this has to be the development of “Parallel Morality” which is against the law defined morality of the state which is followed by the masses. This parallel morality is detrimental to the superego (Sigmund Freud in the Interpretation of dreams) which is called the conscience in the vernacular. The destruction of Superego by the hands of Parallel Morality has repercussions for the individual who is only a physical manifestation of this whole struggle. This instigates the killer to approach and kill with impunity. The only obstruction in the path of a human being ready for destruction of human life can be conscience but this conscience is missing in the Serial killers thereby making them more dangerous to control.