Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Sarkari Bank Interview: A big Lol

This was a funny experience to say the least. Puritanical pundits of public sector. I wish I could teach them a few important lessons in organizing interviews. Everything looked chaotic. It was utterly disgusting to see four people carrying out the work which could easily have been handled by one person. Oh gosh, god save thee public sector. Efficiency is at its lowest ebb here. I noticed a few things generally associated with the Sarkari employees. No sense of time. Least, how to get things organized. Now I can very well understand why it is difficult for them to bring out written test results within one month of the exam date. But boy if you have problems organizing interview for 60 people then there definitely is a systemic flaw somewhere. The process of selection is hectic and time consuming anyways so if the banks are actually willing to carry out the whole selection process like professionals then they have to bring in some systemic changes. To give you a better insight into what I am really talking about just picture the scenario I am in right now. Two people carrying out the work of verifying documents. Having already finished a few candidates verification they realise they missed out on certain details so they call these candidates again. This ordeal happens twice in a space of 30 mins. Amazing. Having written CAT when it became online, the system CAT followed was streamlined to the core albeit with a few technical glitches.
The public sector should also take out a leaf or two from the CAT. But, I guess, that is a distant dream and too much to ask for. I should rather sit and sing a song from the Beatles "Let it be". The song was probably written by beatles for tje India of yesteryears but which has relevance even today or as I see it will be relevant for another few centuries. Let it be let it be let it be let it be........

- Sunny Gusain

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why...the story of us?

Why are humans devoid of humanity? Why do we cheat on each other? Why do we blame others for our own mistakes? Why do we think that we can never be dead while others die around us? Why do we enjoy seeing people in distress? Why do people use their wealth to yield influence over poor? Why we kill animals for money? Why do we cheat on someone who loves us like a mad cow? Why do we take advantage of lax laws? Why do we try to break up a perfectly together couple? Why do we give love a backseat while marrying? Why do we always end up intertwined with money? Why we stop calling people who made us what we are? Why do we shout at each other?  Why do we back stab our own friends? Why is there corruption everywhere we go?
-Sunny Gusain