Arun Maira in one of his articles in the economic times had asked the question, what sort of children we will leave for the world? The child in the BMW and the one in a dilapidated condition tapping on its window begging for a rupee, the child living in a suburban flat with all amenities and gadgets and the one living in slums barely able to get 3 meals a day, the child going to the convent school and the one government primary school or not even that, the child spending tens of rupees on telecom services and the one whose family does not own any mobile/telephone,……………………. The list is endless and is an interesting paradigm of the India growth story so far. The disparities among the elite and the non-elite children are gargantuan. The saddest part of this whole scenario is that the Indian elite has accepted these disparities as a way of life and one can often hear the argument that the poor wish to be poor that’s why they’re poor. The above argument is gross as it fails to realize that when you don’t get opportunities in the educational and the social landscape your chances of climbing up the ELITE level is very low. Now I do not wish to criticize the elite for their positions but the facts cannot be ignored.

My focus in this article would be on Social Entrepreneurship and the real time manifestation of the same from our college itself. I think it is our responsibility as well as our duty to pull the underprivileged children into the mainstream India not only for their good but also for the larger good of the society. So how do I propose to do it? I propose to setup a social cell in our college itself the knitty gritties of which I’ll discuss in detail in the next blog. The idea of a social cell in our college has been wandering in my mind over the past couple of months and now I think it is the right time to write something about it and hope for its implementation in the upcoming months.
“Jeevan- Make Lives Better”……………………….2 b continued
1 comment:
if nt political thn r u a socialist !!!!! it seems to b so.....bt ths issue is complicated....u wrt well
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