Monday, March 25, 2013


Indian culture is in a moribund state for quite some time now.  The critically low level of tolerance, forbearance and patience witnessed by a free thinker in the country points towards radicalisation of thoughts and beliefs of the populace. Rape is a phenomenon that media has recently taken fancy to. Cricket remains a distant second to the rape sensationalism by the media. Barring some, Rape has almost become a pure commercial interest for the media. And rightly so, after all who doesn’t like to watch a good rape story unfolding in excruciating detail on the idiot box. In the name of fashion, page3 and moviesa news channel would happily garner TRPs by objectifying women for which ironically they have booked a prime time slot for a debate on the issue of women empowerment. Women empowerment should first start with the minds of the masses and only then should it reflect on the legislation and the laws of the nation. Harsher laws won’t stop rapes but changing mindsets will.  
 -Sunny Gusain

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